07971 560798


How You Can Help

What you can do to help

There are many ways that you can help Bath Bunny Rescue continue their good work they do.

You may have spare time on your hands and be able to foster some animals for the rescue. Alternatively you maybe able to volunteer at the rescue for an hour or two a week. Please contact me if this is the case, 07971 560798.

Are you looking for a companion for your spayed or neutered rabbit? If so, please contact us to discuss your requirements, phone number above.

Another way you can help the rescue is to donate any unused/unwanted items these include:

Water bottles and bowls
Animal carriers
Any rabbit/guinea toys
Harringtons optimum rabbit food, Burgess excel rabbit nuggets or Burgess excel guinea nuggets

The rescue also has a amazon wishlist, yet another way that you can help:

Bath Bunny Rescue – Amazon Wish List